How to setup masternode
You can use pecunia for host your masternode. Pecunia is a masternode hosting, monitoring and stats service.
Link video how to setup masternode RavenCash with pecunia
Link video how to setup masternode RavenCash with your own server or VPS
Shared masternode available on:
Before get started setup masternode using your own server/VPS, you need prepare:
1. Server/VPS OS ubuntu 20.04 above. Minimum spec. 1GB ram, 1 CPU core, hdd/ssd 50gb.
2. RavenCash wallet. Can be download here:
3. 65000 RVH for collateral address and 1 RVH for transfer fee address.
After preparation complete follow these steps:
1. Open your wallet, go to Settings - Options - Wallet.
- Enable coin control features
- Enable smartnodes tab
Restart your wallet.
2. Open your wallet, go to Tools - Debug console
- Generate a new receiving address. On console write command: getnewaddress. 1 address for collateral 1 address for transfer fee.
- Send 65000 RVH to the receiving collateral wallet address and 1 RVH to receiving wallet address transfer fee.
- Wait minimum 6 confirmation for complete the transaction.
3. Setup Masternode
- Open your wallet, go to Tools - Debug console
- On console write command: smartnode outputs
Smartnode outputs command for check if it's 1 or 0
- On console write command: protx quick_setup "Transaction ID 65000 RVH or from command smartnode outputs" "smartnode outputs" "server/VPS_IP:7961 " "receiving wallet address transfer fee"
Example command: protx quick_setup "0d727fa12c6a9e351cb9eff811c0b99b52fc609ce34da314d9b59c46are38de6" "1" "" "RJfFoG1LgEabL9jmP6HtDtxcxhAQvHPFAS"
4. After execute command "protx quick_setup". This action will automatic generate collateral_wallet_ravencash.conf file to folder directory where the RavenCash wallet file ravencash-qt.exe is located.
5. Setup server/VPS for node.
- Download the Linux wallet files into server/VPS. Exctract file with command: unzip
- write command: chmod +x ravencashd ravencash-cli
- Move the ravencashd and ravencash-cli file to the /usr/bin/ folder directory.
- Create the ravencash.conf file: mkdir ~/.ravencashcore && touch ~/. ravencashcore/ravencash.conf
- You can use simple method, just write command ./ravencashd after 30 seconds CTRL+C for cancel sync so you can to next step.
- Copy and paste the contents from the file collateral_wallet_ravencash.conf file generated during the execution of the "protx quick_setup" command to ravencash.conf file. After that, save the changes and exit the file.
6. Enable ports
You need enable port RPC and p2p for masternode work correctly. Write command in your server/VPS.
sudo ufw allow 7961/tcp
sudo ufw allow 7817/tcp
7. Start RavenCash daemon
- Write command in your node server/VPS: ./ravencashd
- Check your masternode is running successfully or not. Write command: ./ravencash-cli smartnode status
- If show smartnode ready, your installation masternode successful, if show status waiting you need waiting until your node server full sync.
8. If you decide stop your masternode and use collateral balance, you need unlock the collateral 65000 RVH. Open your RavenCash wallet. Send - Inputs - Unlock unspent.
Last updated